Travellers/visitors to certain countries in South America and Sub Saharan Africa who are over 9 months of age
Please ring the surgery on 4369 6777 to get more information and book appointment process. Please do not make an online appointment. Most often than not the practice stocks Yellow Fever vaccine. Sometimes we may have to order.
The vaccination is by one injection in the shoulder.
What is it?
Attenuated 17D strain Yellow Fever (Live) Vaccine in a freeze dried form.
Manufacturing process?
Virus has been propagated in specific pathogen free chick embryos.
Who must not have it?
Other considerations:
Common Side Effects:
Rare but Serious Adverse Reactions:
What is it?
A potentially deadly illness presenting in a wide range from hardly any symptoms at all. Some people can fever, muscle pain back pain, headache, nausea and vomiting. This could last for 3-4 days. In a smaller number of people, they can go onto have severe fever, and failure of multiple organs leading to bleeding, jaundice and can lead to death in about 50% .
There are no specific treatments. Management is mainly supportive.
How to prevent?
Having Yellow Fever Vaccine, general mosquito bite prevention strategies.
Where is the disease present?
The disease is present in many South American countries as well as Sub-Saharan African countries. The latest list of Yellow Fever endemic countries can be found here.
What is it?
It is a micro-organism belonging to Arbovirus (arthropod/insect born) group of viruses belonging to a group called Favivirus. It is carried by day biting mosquitos. Monkeys and humans can remain as reservoirs for the mosquitos to transmit the infection.